Friday, 19 December 2008

Merry nearly Christmas!

Easily mistaken for an angel reading the last rites to victims of an unfortunate car crash (it was the snow), but in truth the third and final Christmas cake.  And how, pray, will the tin fit?
He sits there, all innocence, waiting for the perfect moment to shred the ankles of unsuspecting passers by.
All's well with the homeopaths, and they're suggesting alternative dressings which may yet speed my healing up (but checking first with the surgery team).  Home to discover my gastro-enterology appt is now March. Good thing I'm not in unending pain, isn't it?
Very much looking forward to a few days away from it all. The Surrey hills are calling.  This blog will go quiet until about Tuesday.  Happy holidays one and all.  x

1 comment:

Ann ODyne said...

Happy Holidays dear FootFall

... and the cake is fabulous, as is the dear kittykat.
Wishing all good things for you.