Friday, 2 January 2009

.. and a happy new year

And how well chosen a mug is this?  Those gardening girls with the impeccable taste.  The small print says "Fresh baked cakes.. every day", though to be truthful, this week has seen more in the way of biscuits.  Have to watch like a hawk - they burn in a blink.
Up to Alexandra Palace with SB and children today.  Some things remain the same [critical conversation:  where to buy the right sort of cheese for cheesecake..] and some things change too fast - how did those children get so tall? When?
Possibly not the finest shot (that's Wood Green shopping city to the left), but hey, at least I got my hands out of my pockets for once.  Now have full set of kosher food items for whatever urge should come upon me.  Bliss.  
Have reached the end of the road with the Dr's surgery book sale - there is nothing, at all, left that I want, not even at 33p/item.   It is time to stop going there.  If only.  Well, a few more weeks..

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