Sunday, 15 February 2009


Last year's orgy of magazine purchasing is paying dividends:  this week I've been on a sentimental journey to Cape Cod (note to self, next time, be sure to buy Shy Brothers' Cheeses), and am almost tempted to crochet this ted.
My fascination continues for food items not seen since childhood on Bubi's dining table.  They're all back, thanks to the Polish importers.  This week's experiment:  horseradish with beetroot.  I have no idea what to eat it with, but it smells brilliant and looks, well, pink.
My first flower of the year.  It may not be much to look at, but I'm thrilled that it's here.  I've had a quiet, far from hasty week.  Long may the calm continue.  Finally watched wonderful Mr Davies' adaptation of Gaskell's 'Wives and Daughters', and am now desperate for next Saturday's final instalment.  I'm sure I had a copy upstairs, but can I find it?  This week's library find:  Linda Grant's The Clothes on their Backs - Hungarian emigre life in post-war London, I was hooked.

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