Sunday, 25 July 2010

Politically suspect stitchcraft


Dubious needlecraft 005 I’m considering making a new frock for my mum’s lovely Merryweather doll (always known as ‘black dolly’, so as not to confuse her with anyone else in the toy cupboard).  She’s been wearing that same outfit since the morning of Di & Charles’ wedding, when I had the day off school and didn’t know what to do with myself waiting for Diana to step out of the carriage.

Dubious needlecraft 016

Made somewhere to keep the alphabet until the current obsession with customised bunting passes by.

Dubious needlecraft 015


GG1 said...

Golly gosh, such jolly japes in your house!
She's the postcard sender, not me, I'm the blog checker.

... said...

At last!! I can tell you apart!!!