Monday, 3 January 2011

Feeling neglected?

Mysore 003 I know, it’s been ages….  After months consumed by work and winter, here’s evidence I finally saw sunshine.  Mysore, a trip down memory lane.. Above: the Southern Star pool, ideal for a little horizontal rest & recuperation, with a fresh lime soda, french fries and Sebastian Faulks.

Mysore 014

In the central market….


And at the splendid Hotel Metropole. 

Mysore 012


GG2 said...

Have they got a new circular pool at the southern star? Is there still a beauty salon with frightening waxing options?
The blogosphere misses you, but recognises your needs have changed, thankfully!

Anonymous said...

Same pool, different camera angle. Same beauty salon, steered a wide berth.

Yes, perchance a new blog entirely?

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